7 Most Impressive Jesus Statues Around the World Outside of Rio

While the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is widely recognized, there are numerous striking statues depicting Jesus Christ worldwide. In Poland, Christ the King adorns a gilded crown, while Vietnam boasts the Christ of Vũng Tàu overlooking the vast ocean. Nigeria hosts Jesus de Greatest, a magnificent white marble carving that stands as the largest Jesus statue on the African continent. This collection presents a glimpse of some of the most impressive Jesus statues globally, whether they grace the ocean depths or perch atop scenic hills.

Christ of the Abyss, Florida Keys, US

Explore the warm and crystal-clear waters of the vibrant sea garden at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, and you might encounter a captivating sight: the Christ of the Abyss, a majestic underwater statue located 25 feet beneath the surface off the coast of Key Largo in the Florida Keys. This remarkable site is renowned globally and serves as one of the most famous dive locations. With its hands raised towards the heavens, the statue embodies a gesture of peace. For those who can linger beneath the surface, a plaque at the statue’s base bears the inscription, “If I take the wings of the morning / And swell in the uttermost parts of the sea, / Even there your hand will lead me / and your right hand hold me fast” (Psalm 139:9).

Notably, two identical statues can be found in other parts of the world. The original one rests in the Mediterranean Sea near Italy, while another is situated off the coast of Grenada in the Caribbean.

Cristo del Otero, Spain

Situated on the outskirts of Palencia, Spain, stands an intriguingly positioned statue of Jesus, exuding a solemn and almost morose expression. Towering at nearly 70 feet, its commanding posture conveys a sense of overseeing and bestowing blessings upon the city below. At the statue’s base lies a modest chapel and museum housing artifacts by the architect Victorio Macho, who, notably, rests in peace at this site as well.

Lux Mundi, Ohio, US

Situated at the non-denominational Solid Rock Church in Ohio, Lux Mundi, which translates to “light of the world” in Latin, was artistically crafted by Tom Tsuchiya to replace the King of Kings statue destroyed by lightning in 2010. The design of the new statue is inspired by the welcoming gestures found in the Gospels of Matthew and John in the Bible. In fact, the statue’s friendly appearance has led some to affectionately nickname it “Hug Me Jesus.” The original statue boasted a more dramatic posture, depicting Jesus from the chest up, with arms outstretched toward the heavens and a substantial cross at the base. Both statues are elegantly surrounded by fountains at the church’s baptismal pool.

Broken Christ of The Island Shrine, Aguascalientes, Mexico

Rising majestically over 80 feet in height, Mexico’s Broken Christ of The Island Shrine commands attention from the heart of Presidente Calles Dam, situated in the quaint town of San José de Gracia. The origin of this imposing statue is shrouded in legend, recounting the mysterious arrival of a broken Christ image. According to folklore, the intended recipient contemplated repairing it, yet a nocturnal voice urged him to preserve its broken state as a poignant reminder for his fellow brothers and sisters facing limitations or oppression. Accessible by ferry or boat, visitors have the opportunity to embark on a journey to the island and witness this symbolic statue firsthand.

Jesus Blesses/Christ Blessing, Manado City, Indonesia

Rising to an impressive height of nearly 100 feet, the “Christ Blessing” statue in Manado City, Indonesia, stands as the world’s fourth-tallest Jesus statue. Crafted from soapstone, this monumental figure is perched atop a hill, creating the illusion that Jesus is gracefully soaring. A prominent attraction in Manado City, the statue has become a must-see for visitors. The small size of the surrounding city makes the statue a prominent and easily visible landmark from virtually anywhere within its confines, serving as a reliable reference point for those exploring the area.

While the statue is situated within a residential community, making the base inaccessible due to private homes, visitors can still enjoy a unique perspective by posing across from the statue. Some argue that this vantage point offers an even better angle for capturing memorable photos.

Christ the Redeemer of the Andes, Chile-Argentina border

Perched at an elevation exceeding 12,000 feet in the Andes mountain range, the Christ the Redeemer of the Andes spans the border between Chile and Argentina. Erected in 1904, this iconic monument serves as a powerful symbol of peace, commemorating the resolution of a border dispute between the two nations in 1902, narrowly averting the brink of war. Poignantly situated on a globe, with South America prominently displayed, the statue of Jesus extends his right hand in a gesture of blessing, while firmly clutching a cross with his left.

For intrepid travelers seeking to witness this historic site, access is attainable through a challenging dirt road. However, this path, riddled with numerous switchbacks, hairpin turns, and perilous cliffs, remains closed during the snowy winter months, underscoring the adventurous journey required to reach this high-altitude sanctuary.

Christ the King, Portugal

Drawing inspiration from the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Portugal’s Christ the King statue presents a portrayal of Jesus with arms uplifted in a gesture of blessing over the city. While the statue commands a panoramic view of Lisbon, it is situated in the neighboring town of Almada. Erected in the 1950s, this monumental tribute serves as a testament to Portugal’s fortuitous avoidance of the destruction and devastation wrought by World War II.

Perched atop a lofty pedestal, the statue boasts a remarkable height of over 250 feet. At the base of the actual statue of Jesus, visitors are afforded a viewing platform, offering an immersive experience and a unique perspective of the cityscape.

By Michele