No more rotten and black bananas after a few days: with this method they will last 2 years

Extend the lifespan of your bananas with a preservation method that defies the typical decay process. By following this technique, your bananas can maintain their freshness for an impressive span of up to two years.

In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, a well-rounded diet is paramount, and fruits like the versatile banana play a crucial role in supplying essential nutrients necessary for our overall well-being.

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Bananas boast a diverse array of nutrients, notably high levels of potassium, complemented by moderate quantities of vitamin A, various B vitamins, and vitamin C.

Addressing the Challenge of Banana Decay

Despite their nutritional bounty, bananas often succumb to rapid deterioration, turning black and unappealing mere days after purchase, prompting consumers to seek effective preservation methods.

The Two-Year Preservation Technique

Step 1: Preparation

Begin by trimming both ends of the banana and slicing it into pieces of about two-finger thickness, all without removing the peel.

Step 2: Container Selection

Opt for glass jars of around 700 ml capacity to accommodate the preserved bananas.

Step 3: Layering Ingredients

Assemble layers within the jar, incorporating a medley of flavors and preservatives such as bay leaf, garlic, slices of chili pepper, coriander seeds, dill seeds, and a peppercorn mix.

Step 4: Finalizing the Preservation

Introduce the banana slices into the jar along with additional chili slices, sugar, salt, vinegar, and a splash of hot water to complete the preservation process.

Ingredient Functionality and Preservation Process

Delve into the specific roles each ingredient fulfills in preserving the bananas and provide comprehensive instructions on executing each step of the process.

Sterilization Measures

Emphasize the criticality of sterilizing both containers and ingredients to safeguard against contamination and ensure the efficacy of the preservation endeavor.


Conclude by underscoring the efficacy of the preservation method in prolonging the lifespan of bananas and highlight the enduring benefits of enjoying fresh bananas for up to two years.

By Michele