How to Deal with a Toddler Who Won’t Sleep

Anyone who has ever taken care of a toddler knows how exhausting that can be. Toddlers are discovering their autonomy and asserting their identity and want very much to get their own way. And one of the times that they love to express their independence is bedtime. Even as adults we delay our bedtime for TV, social media, or emails that could wait until the morning, so it’s easy to understand your two-year-old’s point of view, right?

One way to shift the stress of the toddler bedtime is to shift your thinking about your toddler. What are they doing? Playing? Being defiant? This is part of the development stage for any toddler. When you understand it’s part of their growth, you can begin to look at this power struggle in a very different way. This doesn’t mean bedtime will miraculously get any easier, but it won’t be as emotionally exhausting as it could otherwise be.

1.First, think about how much you love your toddler—the amazing human being that you are so excited to see grow and develop.

2.Remind yourself constantly of that love in those moments of resistance that are driving you up the wall.

3.To keep focused on that love, be sure to tell your toddler how much you love them as you go through the bedtime routine.

4.Shift your mindset to think about how you are helping your child grow and develop during this particular struggle. Doing so helps to teach them discipline and routine in their life.

5.You will find that staying focused on the love that you have for that little person shifts the bedtime routine from a moment of just another struggle to the opportunity to think, feel, and show love to your child.