Meet Yasushi Takahashi, the intrepid traveler who embarked on a remarkable journey across Japan with a GPS tracker, crafting a colossal 7,163-km drawing as a unique proposal to his girlfriend. This extraordinary feat has earned him the title of creating the World’s largest GPS drawing, officially certified by Guinness World Records.

In 2008, fueled by meticulous planning, Takahashi made the bold decision to quit his job and dedicate six months to traverse unfamiliar terrains. His exploration encompassed diverse modes of transport, including walking, occasional car rides, ferry journeys, and cycling, as he ventured into uncharted territories.

The romantic gesture embedded in his intricate proposal not only captured the heart of his beloved but also secured him a lasting place in the Guinness World Records as the individual responsible for the largest GPS drawing. Remarkably, this record remains unchallenged to date.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, she said yes.

By Michele